Thanksgiving and more Sleepovers
Since we already had our big Friendsgiving in October, for the real thanksgiving, everyone who was American decided to go to Five Guys and McDonald’s to celebrate, because what’s more American than that?
Afterwards, I convinced them all to watch my favorite movie of all time: Zoolander
Needless to say, I don’t know if any of them actually liked it. Michaela definitely did not. But I was cracking up
In order to host people for Zoolander, Michaela and I rearranged our room so that our two beds formed one big comfy sitting location. (Turns out this is a great set up so we have kept it ever since then)
After the movie ended, everyone was hanging out, playing music, singing to songs, and we decided that it would be super fun if we had a massive sleepover
The sleepover happened the next night on Friday. We once again watched a movie: Inglorious Basterds (which I had never seen before but surprisingly enjoyed)
Claire has a double bed with a massively comfortable sleeping pad on top of it, and so she brought it to put on the floor of our room—honestly, that sleeping pad on the hard floor is still more comfortable than my actual bed…
So then we squished 5 people into the two beds (Claire had to awkwardly sleep in between the two… and yet she somehow managed to push Flo and Kate down and get the majority of a bed at some point in the night), and then 3 of us slept on the floor in the mattress pad
The night was super fun, and at one point we all 5 star each other.
Oh and after the movie we all put face masks on. And when I say “all” I mean ALL. So even the guys (whether or not they actually wanted it (George was down but we had to fight Adam to let us put it on him)).
Our room was a mess the following morning (and to be honest for the next couple of days) but it was so much fun just getting to hang out with friends throughout the night. The best part was the following morning when 8 people all exited my room at once wearing PJ’s. For anyone else who saw it they must have been very confused.
Also. That night at some point someone began snoring… and then another person started snoring, AND THEN THEIR SNORING STARTED TO SYNCHRONIZE
I was so done
Fast forward a week to last night. I was having trouble sleeping. From like 1-3 AM I watched Brooklyn 99, and then at 3 AM I messaged our group chat to see if anyone else was awake. Both Kate and Adam were awake, and Adam informed us that he had an entire pizza he hadn’t eaten from that night. So even though Adam REALLY didn’t want to (you can see his happiness in the below photo), we convinced him to come to our common room, where we watched Netflix, ate pizza*, and hung out for 2 hours. Around 6 we were all so tired, and neither of them wanted to brave the trek home, so we grabbed my fuzzy blanket and my pillows, pushed together some couches, and slept in the common room of my dorms. Mind you, this is right next to the laundry room, and as we were falling asleep someone came in to do their laundry and heavily judged us.
* BTW the Domino’s here is not as good as the ones at home
Oh and Adam and Kate BOTH snore and so I ended up having to move to a different couch in order to actually sleep
I had to leave at 8 AM for class but apparently Kate and Adam were woken up by a worker
*Inglorious Basterds ffs
*having to move
You are talking about movies way too much. Also Zoolander sucks.