Canadian Friendsgiving


Here is the deal. Apparently in Canada, Thanksgiving is in October. My good friend Kate is Canadian and so she had the idea of organizing this. Our German friend Flo offered his kitchen for us to use and it took off from there. There was a core group of friends who heavily invested into the Friendsgiving, we made a list of all the foods we wanted to make, took a group trip to the store (mind you Scotland has none of the normal things we would find in a grocery store in the states. It took us 6 different trips going to different stores each time. YOU CANNOT FIND PUMPKIN PUREE ANYWHERE also THERE IS NO COOKIE DOUGH you have to always make it from scratch WHAT IS THIS COUNTRY?!?), and spent two straight days from 9am to 7pm cooking.

The result was an amazing list of delicious foods: two turkeys, mashed potatoes, sweet potatoes with marshmallow, pop-overs, HAGGIS, meatloaf, brussel sprouts with bacon, soup, stuffing, apple crumble, slutty brownies, molasses cookies with sweet buttercream filling, pumpkin pie, a bunch of vegetable dishes, and honestly I feel like there was more but I can’t think of it. 24 people showed up to our Friendsgiving (which was hosted in a tiny kitchen so that was fun) and we ate, drank, made new friends, played some fun games, and overall had an amazing night. It was great to have a thanksgiving even though I am in Scotland and what I loved the most about it was how much everyone pitched in. Typically when I try to do things like this it ends up being just one person doing all the work and everyone else is sort of along for the ride. I can say that genuinely everyone pitched in and that made it one of the best thanksgivings I have ever had.

Oh, and we genuinely forced everyone to make hand turkeys.

Side Note about Field Hockey

This past Tuesday was quite eventful. First I had a hockey match against the fours (the team above us) which WE WON

Pre-game talks

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