What time is it? SICK TIME

This is just a random post about my thoughts that I wanted to put out here so that in the future I can read this and laugh. So no need to actually read unless you are extremely board and wanting to know about the health of me, my friends, and the entire student body of Edinburgh. (sorry I know I should have written “my friends and I” in order to do proper English but patch it)

You know we are getting into crunch time around here because EVERYONE IS SICK. Sometimes I struggle to hear what my lecturer is saying because there is so much coughing going on in the room. That goes for the library too. I am sitting, attempting to actually do work for once, and a chorus of coughing erupts around the room. Last week, within my friends, Michaela looked like death (actually it was quite funny because I swear I have never seen someone actually LOOK as sick as she was. Like some people, when they are sick you cannot really tell until they open their mouth and complain about it–or in Adam’s case, he couldn’t really speak because his throat hurt so much. But in Michaela’s instance, all you had to do was look at her in her onesie, her giant jacket, and her face of pain, and you knew. Honestly I don’t know how I did not get sick sleeping next to her).

Also to include all friends so I do not forget them at a later date (if you are reading this then don’t worry I could never actually forget you): Adam also looked like death this entire last week, he thought he had tonsillitis at one point; Eleanor also was dying, luckily this school is very nice when it comes to giving out extensions on deadlines. Oh, speaking of extensions, Flo–our resident German friend–had a paper due for his uni at home. So at one point he emailed them and asked for extension. Their response? They extended the deadline to the end of the semester and wrote back saying “there is more to an education than the schoolwork.” So basically they were telling him to have a grand ol’ time here in Edinburgh and not actually focus on school… wow I wish Berkeley did that…

It also makes me laugh because at the beginning of the semester I became very sick and then proceeded to infect all my friends one-by-one. They straight up told me that they blamed me for getting everyone sick (that is how I knew we were friends). But this time around it is not my fault I swear.

Oh and last thought for the day: I have team dinners coming up. To me this sounds great. It sounds like a chance for me to be able to finally sit down with teammates ad bond with them.

Side note about the Rat Pack. Who or What is the Rat Pack you might ask?

Let me tell you.

Flo lives in an flat off campus. It is nice because each person gets their own individual room (and the rooms are pretty big I might add) and then they share a kitchen. One of Flo’s flatmates is a guy named Cameron… known by us as Kitchen Warrior.

img_8048 Kitchen Warrior has a group of friends who named themselves the Rat Pack. Basically if these boys were at a school in the states they would be the stereotypical frat boys. According to Flo they like to get drunk every night and do very stupid things and they are very loud and annoying. Just last week they broke the front door of not only the flat, but to the entire building. How? They thought it would be funny to slam their bodies into it. why. just why. anyways, hearing about the shenanigans of the Rat Pack is always very entertaining and so I may or may not talk about them in a future post.

Oh, the picture shown above of Kitchen warrior was shown to my friends (long story short our fb group chat name is now Those_Lemons and everyone in it is named after the way in which they would die if someone were to attack us (Halloween themed you know?). Although as I type this we are in the process of changing everyone’s name into their name with the name “claire” in it) which was right after a night where our friend Nick (also from Berkeley fun fact) decided to put a box on his head and pretend to attack us with a knife…. do not judge me based on who I am hanging out with here… That led to the following photos to be created

That’s all for now. This week Kate has two of her Canadian friends visiting. They are super adventurous and fun and I have helped show them around the city and went to Cairngorms National Park with them yesterday for a fun hike (will be in a future post), so be excited for some fun photos to come your way soon.

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